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Top Ten Reasons to Skip a Home Inspection

Jul 05, 2022

Before you invest in property, one of the things you heard you should do is to have it evaluated by a professional, in this case a professional home inspector. Yes, we can hear your objection: "Buying a home is expensive enough as it is! Why would I choose to fork over hundreds more if I'm not required to?" In this blog, we'll compare the perils of not hiring a professionally certified inspector versus the financial risk associated with the purchase of what is arguably the largest financial investment of your life, a residential property.

10. Wood Destroying Organisms

You never had pest control issues before while living in the high-rise apartment building. Too be safe, your friends pulled some pictures of termites off the internet to use when they go with you to see the property and assure you that they will find termites if there are any, and any structural integrity issues primarily floor joist replacement related to damage caused by Termites, Carpenter Bees, Carpenter Ants, Beetles & Borers.

Your risk: $5,000 - $20,000

9. Kitchen & Bathrooms

A new kitchen or bathroom remodel project may already be in the plans once you have finalized the deal. Water damage repairs related to behind the wall plumbing leaks will make that a certainty. And you did notice that there were no receptacles in the bathroom.

Your risk: $4,580 - $17,300

8. Air Quality – Radon is the 2nd Leading Cause of Lung Cancer

Radon, what’s that? You partner heard that radon was only a problem near the coal mines, and you didn’t see any mold on the walls. You did read that Pennsylvania has the highest average of 8.6 in the country after Alaska and South Dakota, and that the EPA action level is 4.0; You wonder if radon can exacerbate a history of lung related issues...

Your risk: Health Issues

7. Well Water & Septic

You thought that the municipality took care of your water as it has for most of your life while living in the city; you wonder if the water that now comes from a hole in the ground is ok to drink. You watched an online video on well water and figured it can’t be too difficult to safely get the water out of the ground; You did notice that the big blue tank in the basement was covered in rust at it’s base and wondered if that was normal.

You took for granted that flushing the toilet was managed by the municipality where you have lived for most of your life. You are just learning that you are now the “municipal sewage manager” and are responsible for properly maintaining your poo. You do remember as a boy scout that you had to dig a latrine and that was simple enough. The septic is just a big latrine. The good news is that the toilets did flush but the kitchen sink seemed to drain slowly.

Your risk: $21,330 and $30,300

6. Plumbing

You have successfully installed a new kitchen faucet and toilet valves. You believe your DIY skills have been thoroughly tested and proven. You did have questions about the various water stains on the subfloor near the kitchen and bathroom but your partner said they were old stains.

Your risk: $450 - $5,500

5. Heating & Air Conditioning

Your friend has installed window air conditioning units and infrared heaters in his RV and said the same principles apply. You have concerns as you notice that the outside compressor is leaning to one side and looks very rusted, and the boiler in the basement looks ancient.

Your risk: $3,250 - $12,586

4. Electrical

You bought and successfully installed a ceiling fan a few years ago and are confident about how to resolve any electrical power issues without burning the house down or getting electrocuted. You did read that faulty wiring is one of the top 3 reasons fires start in homes.

Your risk: $2,500 - $3,500

3. Roof

Your partner had a summer job as an installer while in college 20 years ago and is confident that putting on a new roof if needed would be “easy-peasy.” You do have concerns about the dips and valley’s that you see on the roof and if there are underlying structural issues.

Your risk: $10,000 -$15,000

2. Foundation

The nephew of your wife's best friend twice removed built a birdhouse that was structurally sound and is comfortable doing an inspection of the $350,000 property's foundation to confirm its structural integrity. Although the buyer's instincts tell her that the probability of foundation failure may be low, and the impact high, the nephew has convinced her it's worth saving the cost of having a qualified professional do the inspection.

Your risk: $5,000 - $15,000

1. Time is of the Essence

Trust the numbers and facts and don't be swayed by others' sense of urgency. There are nearly 150 million residential properties in the US. The house of your dreams is out there. Be patient. To ensure that you reap the maximum financial benefits of your investment in a residential property long after you have purchased it, it is important to calculate costs.

Total risk: $52,110 - $119,186

A home inspection is important because it can be used as a contingency in your contract with the seller. This contingency provides that if a home inspection reveals significant defects, you can back out of your purchase offer, free of penalty, within a specific timeframe. The potential problems a home can have must be pretty serious if they could allow you to walk away from such a significant contract.

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